(Written in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s fight for racial and social justice : « Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere »)
I have a dream that one day; the United Nations will stop being a platform for retaliation and oppression by the Western Powers against Haiti. That the UN will become a true family of nations where the First Black Nation in the World will occupy its rightful place as a Permanent Member of the Security Council.
I have a dream that one day, the OAS will stop being irrelevant and start taking concrete steps to recognize and promote the altruistic and apotheosis values of the Haitian revolution and promote racial justice for Haitians in the American Continent.
I have a dream that one day, black countries of the Caribbean (CARICOM) and Africa (Kenya) will come to understand the price that Haiti has paid for the emergence of their very own existence and that they will atone for their participation, as racial buffer, in a bogus platform of “security” that is truly an attempt of neo-colonization of Haiti by its long time detractors. I have a dream that those countries will truly understand how their actions are compromising the aim of the Haitian revolution: “Eradicating slavery and becoming a truly independent black nation on planet earth that does not receive or take orders from anyone; in brief, being an absolutely and categorically free and independent nation by black folks”
I have a dream that one day, France will be able to put to rest the grudge that it still holds against Haiti for the catastrophic 1803 defeat of its army by the brave Haitian warriors, that it will seek to develop a respectful, meaningful relationship with Haitians devoid of prejudice, deceit, hypocrisy, colonialist instincts, hidden sentiment, malice and behavior, and that it will return the humongous money it has extorted from Haiti over the years through the ransom it imposed in 1825.
I have a dream that one day, The United States of America will come to terms with itself on the issue of race and stop oppressing Haiti. I have a dream that it will rather seek to understand the fundamentals of the Haitian revolution, be recognizant and grateful of the unique sacrifices and contributions that Haiti and Haitians, more than any other nation and people in the world, have made to its independence, development and progress. I have a dream that America will atone and make amends for its past transgressions towards Haiti starting with the return of the money it took for City Bank in 1914. I have a dream that one day La Navase will be returned to its rightful owner.
I have a dream that one day, the Dominican Republic will stop being a surrogate for the implementation of imperialistic and destabilizing ploys by Western Powers against Haiti, that it will be recognizant for the contributions that Haiti had made to its existence, and that it will take steps to put an end to the racial discrimination within its society, the harassments, inhumane deportations, atrocities, massacres, and slavery conditions that Haitians are still enduring in the bateys.
I have a dream that one day, African Americans will be conscious of the words of Rev. Dr Martin Luther King’s junior “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” vis-a-vis the rest of the world. That the racial injustices toward Haiti next door and Haitians in general constitute a threat to the Civil Rights gains in America. I have a dream that they will band together and unify with Haitians in the fight against racial injustice within the entire American Continent (USA, CANADA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC …) in domestic and interactive foreign policies.
I have a dream that one day the Haitian oligarchy, rather than teaming up with outsiders against the nation that welcome them with open arms, will accept the reality that they are inextricably indebted to Haitians. That they respect, embrace their culture, and align their class interests with theirs, while closing rank with them as a nation to repel destabilizing outside forces.
I have a dream that one day, the eyes of the Haitian overseers (both the puppet government and the gang-terrorists now at the service of the enemies of the nation) will open up to see the incalculable damages they have done to their own race, their country, their own family, and to themselves. I hope that racial consciousness will finally get to them and push them to stop and atone for their grave exactions
I have a dream that one day, the fire back home will subside, the exodus of Haitians will stop, the whippings at Del Rio, Texas and the humiliations at Springfield, OHIO will be a distant memory, and that Haitians will happily return home to the motherland to live peacefully and harmoniously among themselves with no interference or oppression from anyone, any outside forces.
Free at last! Free at last! Haiti is Free at last!
Long live Haiti!
Renkcul Sayab